Sunday, 11 January 2009

Despite the cold weather

Have added this photo that i took a couple of days after the original despite the cold weather post. Shot against the light with only the camera built in flash for fill light. But i kind of like it. The softness of the photo seems to work.

Have added yet another of the blue flowers. Mainly because it is so pretty and of the way i managed to process the image. The flower is just wanting to stand out and be noticed.

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Despite the cold weather

Came across this owl in the wall of an old building. Despite being run down and having no roof. No doubt the building has a lot of history.
I noticed that the windows took on a gothic appearance with granite frames. Even in its present state no doubt there is a hive of activity in the walls. with all kinds on animals.

Despite the cold weather

Came across a dry stone wall which had several of these flowers on it. They seem to be quite common here abouts. Not sure if it is a wild one or cultivar. Looked very eloquent in the not so bright light of winter.

I liked this single flower to the right, reaching up to get as much of the winter light as it could. Walking around in the winter can turn up some lovely surprises.

Despite the cold weather

In spite of the cold weather i was pleasantly surprised to see just how much there was along the country lanes. The flower to the left was taking no notice of the cold snap. Nestled low in the hedge, was very nice to see.

Further along the lane, i observed this robin flitting about looking for food to eat. Was not at all disturbed by my being there and carried on looking for food. Did pause for a moment for a quick snap.

Friday, 2 January 2009

My first ever pics of a Golcrest

Welcome to," My Countryside Walks 2009 blog. Hopefully throughout the year whilst out and about with my camera i will have the chance to make a photographic journal of what i encounter.

I thought i was off to a pretty good start with the tits feeding on peanuts. Little did i know what would await me further along the lane. One can only hope that it gets this good through the year.

This little chap was way to busy to be bothered

about me taking pics of it. Was quite amazed at just how close i managed to get to it.

I have seen it in the lane before but never had

camera with me at that time. So was mighty pleased to see it again. And of course was at the ready.

What a striking little

bird it is. I hope that

i will see it many more

times when out on my walks.

First Encounter

This is a new blog that i have created named " My Countryside Walks 2009 ", is for the purpose of recording things that i see while out doing these walks. It could be animals that i encounter, plants, or anything that may well be of interest. Could even include a quaint little cottage that someone is fortunate to have. To Kick things off here are a couple of pics that was my first encounter whilst out. Members of the tit family, someone very kindly put up a feeder in the hedge.