Friday, 25 September 2009

Speckled Wood.

The quiet country lane was all of a flutter today. There were several of these butterflies dancing about in the dappled autumn sun.
Had to look it up when i got home. Seems that it is a Speckled Wood. Very nice looking butterfly.
This is the second butterfly that i came across. Same as the first one. It looked quite majestic fluttering around in the autumn sun.

Waiting Collection

The farmer has been very busy this last couple of weeks or so. No doubt in due course the two fields with these type of bales will soon be collected and put in a dry place.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

The Last Straw

It has been a busy week for the farmer. Taking advantage of the good weather, has managed to get in the corn harvest. Cut and baled a field of hay. Today i found that he has baled the straw.
Will start all over again with the ploughing up of the fields that were planted.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Hedgerow Fruits

This is a lovely time of year to be walking through the country lanes. The fruits of autumn is getting into full swing.
Elderberries are a plenty, hazlenuts strewn over the pathways. I did crack a few and they were bursting with nuts inside. In fact the ones i had cracked had shell to shell nuts inside. Completely full.
However i came across this fruit that i had not seen before. They are not slothes, and are the size of a large cherry. A search on the internet gave me "Wild Damsons". They are plum like and the smell is simular. Would like to hear from anybody who might shed some light.

Monday, 14 September 2009

Making Hay While The Sun Shines

Taking my usuall walk through the lanes a few days ago, heard a tractor in a field. The farmer was cutting grass to make hay. Managed to get a quite nice photo before he had finished.
Quite like the pattern the cut grass made and quite a nice countryside backdrop.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Common Frog

Was going through the lanes and something caught my eye in front of me. Was when i got up close that i could see what it was. A quick search on the internet revealed it was a common frog.
Did not think it was a toad as it was too smooth. Did not realize according to what i had read it was our only native frog. At least it was the only one listed. Taken with a compact camera not the greatest of shots.

started the harvest

Wandering through the lanes, see that the farmer has made a start in getting the crop in. Straw has been there for several days now, guess with the unseasonal weather life is hard down on the farm.